Alkenes (Overview)



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Structure & Bonding
  • unsaturated: contain C=C
  • C atoms in C=C are sp2 hybridised
  • non-polar
  • simple molecular structures consisting of alkene molecules held together by weak VDW forces
Physical Properties
  • relatively low mp/bp
  • mp/bp increases with increasing molar mass
  • trans isomer has higher mp than cis isomer due to better packing in the solid lattice
  • insoluble in water; soluble in organic solvents (e.g. CCl4)
Chemical Properties


  • are unsaturated (contain C=C) → undergo addition reaction
  • have an e rich region (double bond) → react with electrophiles

→ undergo electrophilic addition reactions

Main Reaction(s)
  • Electrophilic addition (with X2/ HX/ H2O)
  • Reduction (with H2)
  • Oxidation (with KMnO4/ K2Cr2O7)