Alkanes (Overview)



Structure & Bonding
  • saturated: all C atoms are bonded to 4 atoms
  • all C atom are sp3 hybridised
  • non-polar
  • simple molecular structures consisting of alkane molecules held together by weak VDW forces
Physical Properties
  • relatively low mp/bp
  • mp/bp increases with increasing molar mass
  • mp/bp decreases with branching for isomeric alkanes
  • insoluble in water; soluble in organic solvents (e.g. CCl4)
Chemical Properties

Alkanes are chemically inert since:

  • they are saturated
  • there are no electron rich/ poor regions due to the similar electronegativities of C and H

→ can only undergo reactions under high temperatures (combustion) or with very reactive reagents (radicals)


Main Reaction(s)
  • Free radical substitution (with halogens)