Predict/ Account for Physical Properties



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  1. Determine the type of substance (metal/ ionic/ covalent) and structure (giant metallic/ giant ionic/ giant covalent/ simple molecular)
  2. Determine bonding relevant to property
  3. Focus on that particular column to determine the bonding and factors that affect it.

Students tend to make mistakes when they try to pinpoint a factor without regards for the structure and bonding.


* Covalent bonds are also present in simple molecular structures. However, they are not broken during physical reactions (e.g. boiling, melting)


Example: Work in Progress


Simple Molecular Structure


To compare strength of intermolecular forces for two molecules:

  1. Check molar mass (Mr): larger Mr → larger e cloud → more easily polarised → more extensive dispersion
  2. For molecules with similar Mr, check type of molecules (polar/ non polar) [learn how]

There are three possible cases:


Case 1 (both polar):

  • Check for H-bonding: molecule with H-bonding will have higher bp/mp.
  • If both have H-bonding, compare the extent of H-bonding i.e. no. of possible H-bond per molecule, presence of intra H-bonding that leads to less extensive inter H-bonding.

Case 2 (one polar, one non-polar):

  • The polar molecule will always have higher bp/mp.
  • pd-pd interactions stronger than dispersion.

Case 3 (both non-polar):

  • Difference must be due to surface area.
  • Increased branching → more spherical e cloud → lesser area of interaction → less extensive dispersion