Determine Type of Bonding for Simple Molecules



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To determine the type of molecule (polar/ non-polar) and IMF, you will need these four steps:



1) Draw dot-cross diagram:


1 Determine the central atom and surrounding atoms.

Central atom is commonly the:
- Element with the lesser no. of atoms
- First element in chemical formula (except H)
- Least electronegative element
2 For polyatomic ions:
Anion: add the e to the most electro-ve atom (one e per atom)
Cation: remove the e from the least electro-ve element Ignore this step for neutral molecules
3 Determine no. of bonds each surrounding atom can form:
no. of valence e on atom [n(e)] no. of bonds the atom can form [n(b)]
0 – 4 n(e)
5 – 8 8 – n(e)
For Hydrogen: n(b) = 0 for n(e) = 0 or 2
4 Draw all the bonds to the central atom.
For atoms with 8 e: form dative bond from central atom to surrounding atom
For atoms with 0 e: form dative bond from surrounding atom to central atom
5 Assign remaining e on central atom as lone pairs.
If central atom is in Period 2 and no. of e around the atom is > 8, convert a double bond to a dative bond from the central atom.




2) Shape (VSEPR)

  • Electron pairs arrange themselves as fair apart as possible to minimise repulsion
  • Multiple bonds are treated as single bond pairs
  • Repulsion: lp-lp > lp-bp > bp-bp


  1. Determine no. of e pairs (bp+lp)
  2. Find parent shape and bond angle
  3. (For molecules with lp) Erase lp and name resultant shape
  4. For each lp, reduce bond angle by 2°

No. of e pairs

Shape Bond Angle


Linear 180°


Trigonal Planar 120°


Tetrahedral 109.5°


Trigonal Bipyramidal equatorial (120°)
axial (90°)


Octahedral 90°


Example: NH3

  • 4 e pairs (3 bp + 1lp)
  • Parent shape: Tetrahedral (109.5°)

  • Resultant shape: Trigonal Pyramidal
  • Angle: 107°


3) Polarity


Draw the dipole moments for each bond in molecule (from less electro-ve atom to more electro-ve atom)

  • Net dipole → Polar
  • No net dipole → Non-Polar

If you have problems determining if there is a net dipole, visualise the dipole moments as forces acting on the central atom. If the central atom moves → a net dipole exists.


Convenient Generalisations:

  • All hydrocarbons are non-polar since C–H bond is non-polar.
  • Molecules with lone pairs on central atom are polar (Exception: XeF4)


4) Intermolecular Forces


Type Exist between:
Permanent dipole – permanent dipole (pd-pd) polar molecules
Induced dipole – induced dipole (id-id)

between all molecules/ atoms

non-polar molecules only have dispersion

Hydrogen bonds between H attached to F,O,N and lone pair on F,O,N on another molecule