Atoms, Molecules & Stoichometry



Learning Objectives

(a) define the terms relative atomic, isotopic, molecular and formula mass, based on the 12C scale
(b) define the term mole in terms of the Avogadro constant
(c) calculate the relative atomic mass of an element given the relative abundances of its isotopes
(d) define the terms empirical and molecular formula
(e) calculate empirical and molecular formulae using combustion data or composition by mass
(f) write and/or construct balanced equations
(g) perform calculations, including use of the mole concept, involving:
   (i) reacting masses (from formulae and equations)
   (ii) volumes of gases (e.g. in the burning of hydrocarbons)
   (iii) volumes and concentrations of solutions
(h) deduce stoichiometric relationships from calculations such as those in (g)

Atoms, Molecules & Stoichometry (I)

Atoms, Molecules & Stoichometry (II)

Atoms, Molecules & Stoichometry (III)

[H1 Syllabus]
[H2 Syllabus]