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There are 4 types of questions:

  1. Given reactants + products → suggest reagents and conditions
  2. Given reactants + reagents → suggest products
  3. Given new reaction (Grignard, Killiani-Fishcer, Azo, Wittig) → suggest products
  4. Given reactants/ products/ reagents → state type of reaction


1. Given reactants + products → suggest reagents and conditions



  • Memorise, memorise, memorise!


2. Given reactants + reagents → suggest products



  • Identify ALL functional groups (FG) in reactants
  • React ALL FG with reagents
  • Watch out for regio/stereo-selective rules: Markonikov, Saytseff etc.
  • Clarify minor differences e.g.

Can NaBH4 reduce carboxylic acids?

Can K2Cr2O7 cleave C=C?

Can H2/ Pt reduce nitrobenzene?


Example: Work in Progress


3. Given new reaction (Grignard, Killiani-Fishcer, Azo, Wittig) → suggest products



  • Identify pattern from example
  • Apply pattern/ rule to new reactant


Example: Work in Progress


4. Given reactants/ products/ reagents → state type of reaction 



  • Identify FG that undergoes reaction
  • Recall what types of reaction that FG can undergo.


Halogenation, hydrogenation, hydration etc are not types of reactions


Example: Work in Progress