Galvanic Cell



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2 common types of qns:

  • predict feasibility of redox rxn
  • predict change in E° at non-standard conditions using Le Chatelier’s Principle (LCP)


Predict feasibility of Redox Reaction


  1. Identify redox active species; check if one of them can only be oxidized or reduced.
  2. Determine the possible oxidation/ reduction reactions (use the electrochemical table if necessary)
  3. Find electrode potentials for these half equations
  4. Calculate Eocell = Eored – Eoox

Eocell → feasible

Eocell → not feasible

Example: Show using calculations if a redox reaction between H2O2 and I is feasible.


1. redox active species: H2O2 and I; I can only be oxidised.

2. Since Ican only be oxidized, H2O2 must be reduced for a redox rxn to occur i.e.  I → I2; H2O2 → H2O (check data booklet if you cannot recall what H2O2 is reduced to)

3. EoI2/I–  = –0.54 V; EoH2O2/H2O  = +1.77 V

4. Eocell  = +1.77 – 0.54 = +1.23 V > 0     (feasible)


Predict change in E° at non-standard conditions using LCP.


  1. Identify which species is affected/ check which half eqn is affected.
  2. Identify whether equilibrium will shift right or left.


    Shift right: E value becomes more +/ less

    Shift left: E value becomes less +/ more

  3. Determine change in Ecell. Try substituting an arbitrary no. if you have problems.


Example: Predict how Ecell will change for the following reaction when pH2 is increased:

2NO3 + 2H+ + H2 → 2NO2 + 2H2O


1. Half eqn affected: 2H2O + 2e → H2 + 2OH

2. Equilibrium shifts left: E value becomes less +/ more – i.e. < –0.83 V (subst. an arbitrary more – value e.g. –0.93 V)

3. Ecell = Ered – Eox = +0.81 – (–0.93) i.e. Ecell becomes more +