How to balance ionic equations in Alkaline Medium?



(I) Standard Electrode Potential

What information can we obtain from SEP?

Sign – oxidation or reduction favoured

Magnitude – the extent the reaction is favoured

How to measure SEP?

- connecting the redox couple (half cell) to SHE.

- learn to draw the set-up + cell notation

- remember to include standard conditions!

Galvanic Cells

Electrolytic Cells

- calculate E°cell

à predict feasibility of redox rxn

- predict change in E° at non std conditions using LCP

- predict species discharged/ pdts at each electrode

- calculate amt of product using

Q = It = nF

(II) Electrochemical/ Galvanic Cell

1. Identify possible oxidation/ reduction reactions

2. Find electrode potentials for these half equations

3. Calculate Ecell = Ered – Eox (> 0: feasible; < 0: not feasible)





not feasible

(III) Electrolytic Cell

Identify which species are discharged:

1. Identify all ions in solution (including H2O)

2. Cations attracted to cathode;

Anions attracted to anode

3. Write electrode potential for all the reduction reactions



more + or less – is discharged


more – or less + is discharged


For redox active electrodes (e.g. Cu, Fe), need to compare the E° values for the metals together the ions at the anode.

Calculate amount of products discharged

Q = I t = n F

I: current (A) n: moles of electrons!

t: time (s) F: Faradays constant (96500 C/mol)

1. Determine moles of electrons transferred

2. From half equation, determine moles of pdt from molar ratio

(IV) Others

- Electrons always flow from A à C

- Anode à Oxidation

- Cathode à Reduction

- For a rechargeable battery:

Charging à Galvanic

Discharging à Electrolytic